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Sell your business

- All or Part -

You may be considering selling your business, in full or in part, for a number of reasons.
The following situations often trigger owner-operators to consider their future options. For some, the path is clear-cut. Others take time to reach their conclusion.

1 Sell Your Business


The future of a business can become a real concern when there's no natural successor to carry it on. We use our extensive contacts network and sector knowledge to help business owners resolve this issue. By finding the right people to enhance your management team, or integrating your company into one of our existing businesses, we enable you - and your business - to move forward.



Often, entrepreneurs behind the creation and success of established businesses want to pursue new opportunities. Other owner-managers simply want to step away and enjoy the fruits of their labours. We can work with you to map out the path ahead.


When a business owner sells to Sovereign it’s often not a full exit, but a new opportunity to step back from the day-to-day running of the business, reinvest and ‘win’ again. Heather Frankham of training provider Lifetime, for example, sold to Sovereign, reinvested and became an NED, supporting the business to achieve tremendous growth. This is just one of many such stories of how we work together and win together.

2 Sell A Stake To
Grow Your Business

Your business may have a reached a point where you need more investment to support the next stage of growth.

You may wish to reduce your personal financial risk whilst taking bold steps to take your business forward. Or there may need to be a change in shareholding, eg one of the shareholders wishes to leave the business.

Why Sovereign?

Whatever your plan, you’ll need a purchaser who can offer you more than just a market price.

We want you to be as proud of your company in the future as you are today. We will retain your business’s ethos, standards and values to build upon the quality and reputation that you have already established. Our investment brings new opportunities for your business, staff and clients.


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