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With Sovereign's support, CMGL was developed into a disciplined, standalone business with an enlarged and experienced management team focused on the future.


Business and technology services



Investment Date

2005 - 2007

Business people working

Investment background

Sovereign's specialist financial services focus enabled the firm to identify CMGL and its clear growth potential from a number of businesses that were researched in its niche. Established in 1993, CMGL had a strong reputation for quality, an international office network and managed over 165,000 claims as well as eight Lloyd's syndicates.

In 2005, Sovereign backed the existing management team led by Managing Director Jerry MacArthur, in a buy-out from Zurich Financial Services. The business was attractive because of its long-term predictable revenues, strong cash generation and underlying growth trends.

The growth story

Tick iconBolstered the Board with a new Finance Director and Chairman
Tick iconInstigated an extensive cost management initiative and improved the emphasis on organic growth 

In partnership with Sovereign, CMGL was able to invest significantly in the growth of the business both through improving efficiencies and building a pipeline of new business.

On the back of the successful implementation of the plan and positive financial performance, the business was sold in March 2007 in a £32m transaction to Capita.

Capita provided a natural fit for the company with clear potential to enhance CMGL's offering going forward.

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CMGL reinforced its position as a market-leader through a combination of market focus and Sovereign’s expertise.

Jerry MacArthur / Managing Director (2000 - 2008)CMGL
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Two business men shaking hands.

If you would like to know more, contact a member of the Sovereign team