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Bristow & Sutor

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Bristow & Sutor is a debt resolution business, using technology, data and operational excellence to act as intermediary between parties. Sovereign partnered with the management team to complete an MBO, diversify the service offering and transform the business using technology.


Business and technology services



Investment Date




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Investment background

A family business established in 1977, Bristow & Sutor had grown to become a highly-respected nationwide debt resolution business.

The founder had stepped back from day-to-day operations and the management team were keen to lead an MBO to further develop the business’s service offering and client base. Attracted by Sovereign's proven capability in Buy & Build and commitment to investing in quality, in June 2017 the MBO was completed.

The strategy is to grow Bristow & Sutor organically and through acquisition, and to invest in technology that will enhance both the service offering and user experience.

The story so far

Sovereign Deep Dive: Bristow & SutorCall centre with headsets.
Tick iconTwo bolt-on acquisitions
Tick iconIdentified and appointed a highly experienced Non-Executive Chair and a CFO at the time of the MBO
Tick iconCreated the role of CTO and hired a strong candidate
Tick iconCreated an Advisory Board to focus supporting vulnerable debtors
Tick iconRefreshed the brand and became an active participant in the sector's evolution
Tick iconTransformed the business via a new operating platform and the use of data analytics

In partnership with Sovereign, Bristow & Sutor has made two strategic acquisitions: DRP and Credit Style. The acquisitions have broadened the Group's services into the private sector debt resolution market including in-house pre and post legal services, enabling the Group to provide local, central government and private sector customers with an end-to-end service.

A transformational contract has also been won with National Highways and Transport for London to provide long-term congestion charging and low emission zone related services. In addition, significant investment has been made to drive innovation and efficiency improvements through the adoption of a variety of technologies and data analytical techniques. This provides tailored and targeted solutions, sector-leading collection performance and supports Bristow & Sutor in protecting the most vulnerable in society and the reputation of clients.

Sovereign continues to work with the management team to further expand and develop the business both organically and via acquisition.

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We're delighted to have the support of Sovereign. Their insight, experience and expertise have been instrumental to our journey, helping us achieve our transformation and growth aspirations as we continue to redefine our industry and lead the way in successful debt resolution.

Anthony O'Keeffe / CEOBristow & Sutor
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Two business men shaking hands.

If you would like to know more, contact a member of the Sovereign team